Random UCSD Campus Info
Campus maps are available from Parking and Transportation Services. Campus maps are also printed in the UCSD telephone directory, the General Catalog and the Schedule of Classes. The UCSD Maps are available online at http://www.ucsd.edu/map/
General Catalogs with full course listings and degree requirements are available from the UCSD Bookstore. There is also an online catalog at http://www.ucsd.edu/catalog/
Campus Services
The following list gives a summary of some of the services available on campus to students. The list is not exhaustive but points out items of particular interest to grad students and some lesser-known services.
Bike Shop
The UCSD bike shop is located in the old Student Center. Use tools for free (on the premises) with your student ID. The mechanics are competent and willing to explain how to do your own repairs. In purchasing situations where a variety of options are available, they are willing to explain all options at length. Prices are comparable community bikeshops, but the convenience and tool use policy are a plus.
Cross-Cultural Center
This center is available to help students work out conflicts arising from cultural differences, and it promotes cross-cultural communication through seminars and workshops. The Cross-Cultural Center is located at 510 University Center, and the director is Edwina Welch (534-9689).
E-mail Aliases
It is best to use one computer account as your primary e-mail address (yourname@ucsd.edu). Once you have decided which account this will be, you can set information in the UCSD e-mail server to deliver your "ucsd.edu" e-mail there. Telnet to ucsd.edu and log in with username "register", password "register". Follow the menus to change the registration info for your primary mail address (yourname@ucsd.edu). While you're here, you can also set your "ucsd.edu" finger information (lab phone, address, nickname, etc). Note that the mailbox change does not take effect until the next day.
E-mail List Server
There are a number of UCSD e-mail list servers through which you can subscribe to discussions on a variety of topics. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to any of the various campus mailing lists and the local redistributions of global mailing lists; send mail to "listserv@ucsd.edu" with the word "HELP" in the body to get instructions on using the list server.
General Store Co-op
Located in the old Student Center, the General Store Co-op offers general school and study supplies, gifts, cards, snack food, etc. and does so at a reasonable price. Recommended if you have the time to go there (as opposed to the Price Center).
Graduate Student Association (GSA)
Twelve dollars of each quarter's fees is paid to the GSA. With this money the GSA provides numerous student service and advocacy functions. Salaried positions are available in the upper echelons of the GSA administration. Chief in popularity among GSA-sponsored functions are the free social gatherings at Porter's Pub. The first of these is the Fall Free For All (FFA), held in September at Porter's Pub. The GSA will be provides free beer, beverages, and munchies. This is a great way for new grad students to become acquainted with other grad students. It is necessary for students to bring ID and proof of registration. If you are interested in become a representative of the ECE department to the GSA, there are probably positions available.
Housing Services
Contact Housing Services at 534-4723 to inquire about on-campus graduate housing. They offer many options at a good price compared to the market rate off-campus. Information and and applications are available athttp://hdsu.ucsd.edu/. The applications can be faxed to them at 534-4565.
International Center, International Student/Scholar Office
The International Center provides many services for foreign students such as assistance with visas, tax preparation and English language tutoring. They can provide you with checklists of all the things you will need to do after arriving at UCSD and detailed information on how to do them. Be sure to get their "Arrival Information for International Students" pamphlet. They are located across from Center Hall behind Career Services. (534-3730).
Office of Sexual Harassment Prevention and Policy
(534-8287) The office serves as both an informal advocate and an official channel to resolve conflicts related to harassment. They hold training seminars on sexual harassment prevention and policy which are strongly recommended for all students.
Rideshare Operations (formerly Transportation Alternatives)
Located in the Gilman parking structure. Information about all transportation options can be found there, i.e. carpooling, shuttle bus routes, parking info, student bus stickers (free bus rides in a limited area), etc.
Student Health Center
The on-campus Student Health Center is the primary care provider for students covered under Graduate Student Health Insurance (GSHIP). In addition to covering Health Center services, GSHIP also covers emergency room/hospital care at Scripps Memorial and Thornton and off-campus doctor's visits (after referral from the Student Health Center). Dental insurance and eyeglass prescriptions are available for a fee. (Note: Hospital care at Scripps Clinic and Green Hospital are not covered by GSHIP.)
Student Legal Services
The on-campus Student Health Center is the primary care provider for students covered under Graduate Student Health Insurance (GSHIP). In addition to covering Health Center services, GSHIP also covers emergency room/hospital care at Scripps Memorial and Thornton and off-campus doctor's visits (after referral from the Student Health Center). Dental insurance and eyeglass prescriptions are available for a fee. (Note: Hospital care at Scripps Clinic and Green Hospital are not covered by GSHIP.)
Women's Center
The office of Legal services is located in the Student Affairs Office on the bottom floor of the Student Center, Building B. They are usually very busy and ask that you make an appointment by calling 534-4374.
Entertainment, Recreation and Sports
The Women's Center holds regular seminars on topics such as women's health and career development, and it provides a library and reading room.
Lots of interesting information can be found on the UCSD recreation web page, http://recmag.ucsd.edu/. Try looking there if you want more information on items mentioned below or if you want to find something not mentioned here.
Intramural Sports
UCSD has many active intramural sports leagues. Occasionally ECE will field a team. Leagues are A, AA, and AAA with A (single A) being the easiest. Don't let that fool you however; many excellent players "sandbag" in the easier leagues. http://intramurals.ucsd.edu/
Outback Adventures
Outback Adventures organizes trips from one-day beginning rock climbing to wine country bicycle tours to multi-day Costa Rican kayak trips. You can also rent equipment for backpacking, rockclimbing, snowboarding, skiing, surfing, and cycling.
Price Center
The Price Center offers many recreation activities such as free Friday concerts, Thursday movies, an arcade, pool tables and a photo darkroom. There are many convenient dining options in the food court. The Price Center is open 24 hours during the school year, and for restricted hours during the summer.
Recreation Classes
This service organizes classes in a variety of areas such as martial arts, dance, yoga, running, etc. A variety of other services are also offered under the umbrella of UCSD Recreation including Outback Adventures (hiking, biking, climbing, etc.) and the Mission Bay Aquatic Center (sailing, surfing, rowing, etc.). General info: http://recreation.ucsd.edu/ or e-mail ucsd-rec-info@ucsd.edu.
RIMAC Center
RIMAC, open 7 days per week, is the main campus indoor athletic facilty. It has a great weight and cardio-vascular training area, basketball courts, racquetball courts, and squash courts. Aerobics, dance, martial arts, and many other classes are available for a small fee through UCSD recreation.
On-Campus Dining
This section gives some reviews of on-campus dining establishments, cafes and convenience stores by EGSIP contributors.
Canyon Vista Cafeteria
"Located in the Warren Apartments Dining Commons on the lowest floor. The food at this cafeteria is a consistent reminder of why I normally pack a lunch. Still, it's a much nicer dining experience than the Price Center, especially the patio dining areas overlooking the canyon. It's also cheaper than the Price Center and open early for those of you who want that early morning infusion of Starbucks (Yes, they have both decaf and regular Starbuck's brewed coffee for cheap). Recommended are the salad bar ($3.25 make your own on a dinner plate, smaller/cheaper versions available), free filtered water, brown rice and steamed vegetables, donuts, and cookies. Tell the cashier that you're a student (show ID before they ring you up) and get your meal tax free!" (Brent, 1996)
Earl's Place
"A convenience store/coffee house that's truly convenient (to those who work in EBU1)! Located at the Warren College Apartment Dining Commons on the upper floor, Earl's serves tasty baked goods, candy, snacks, and the consistent quality of Starbuck's coffee. Its late hours (9:30 AM to 1:00 AM) and proximity to EBU1 make this shop a winner for those late night caffeine cravings." (Brent, 1995)
Food Co-op
"An excellent choice for a simple lunch consisting of bagels, yogurt, and juice. It also has a selection of other exotic, health, and dried foods at reasonable prices. It is located near the [now-defunct] Grove Cafe in the old student center." (Shirish, 1995)
Sunshine Store (Price Center)
"Serving excellent brewed coffee (both traditional and with a variety of flavors), the Sunshine Store offers an inexpensive way to get that coffee fix. Small coffees are $0.50, plus there's the coffee club; buy 10 get the next one free. Donuts in the morning make this the one stop shop for the early rising grad student. Further on the plus side, the Sunshine Store caries a variety of papers including the New York Times. On the down side, prices tend to be high for everything else." (Brent, 1996)